
CHFS – BUND (3″CDR by In Dust) : A rather low affair, packaging wise, CHFS stands for Christian F. Schiller, who plays ‘e-bass and the bass-frequencies played the snare-drum’. It seems to me the start of a more conceptual approach to music rather than playing a ‘nice’ piece of music, although I might be wrong here. Pure tones are fed through the snare drum, of which the surface vibrates. That seems to be it. After about ten minutes the music suddenly changes and it seems that the e-bass is played here more. It ends with a swooping sound. Its not bad but somehow I fail to see a point to all of this. (Frans de Waard / VITAL WEEKLY NR. 830, WEEK 19, 2012 / http://vitalweekly.net/830.html)